Sunday, December 23, 2012


So just the last couple of weeks I've been getting shit on by the universe. Things seemed to have conspired against me to make me hate my job, not be able to see those who I want, and the less important things such as stress around the holidays (mostly focused around work), car trouble, laundry (its' a huge hassle to drive 30 minutes away just to wash your clothes and when you work 7 days in a row I frankly don't have 7 complete outfits, I barely have 10 pairs of underwear so you all can imagine what that's like), having enough time to cook for myself... and of course I'm missing a Belmont Christmas with my family which isn't going to happen again for awhile.

I needless to say haven't been a happy camper. But things this week seemed to be going a little easier. I was able to cook myself a big dish which I'm eating for lunch everyday, my laundry still isn't done but I have enough key pieces (clean underwear) to make it to where I can do laundry, and some people in my office have become less annoying. My schedule will also fall into place after the holidays. Which is nice.

However, I am a firm believer in karma. Basic principle you do good things, good things happen to you and then there's the opposite you do bad things, bad things happen to you. Of course I also believe there is a balance to the universe as well. sometimes a string of really awesome things will happen to you, and then followed by a string of really shitty things. Other times it feels like you 'save up' for something good. A string of crappy stuff will happen and it balance with a string of good things. I have the feeling my recent string of bad things has been saving up for last night.

Last night (9:15pm) I was coming home from work and I was on the dirt road that takes me up to where I live. It's a bit narrow and with the extra snow it's also a little slick. Sometimes when two cars meet if both go very slow and just barely make it. This ONLY works if both cars go over as much as they possibly can. The car I met on the road last night didn't move over, at all, in fact they continued driving in the middle of the road. My choices were to hit the car or put mine in the ditch. I figured for the safety of everyone it was best just to ditch my car. Lots of soft snow to cushion Otis's fall (Otis is the name of my car). The person in the car didn't even slow down and continued driving. I tried to back my car up, sometimes you can just get out like that. I didn't try too hard, If you do you will just end up burying your car even more. I knew at that very moment that it was going to take another vehicle to get my car out of the ditch. I also knew that my road was full of rednecks with trucks who LOVE to tow things and pull helpless people out of ditches... no seriously, they really live for this kind of thing. I did the only thing I could do at that point, I put the flashers on my car and got out and started walking up the road. Another car blew right by me, I kind of wanted to tell them to slow down, and then another car came by. This one stopped and I explained that my car was off the road, and they asked if I needed a ride to get where I needed to go. I hopped in and found out that it was my old 3rd grade teacher and her husband. I told them about what happened and my old teacher (who still works at the school) said, well that's too bad, in my 3rd grade class one rule is that everyone has to be nice. And it's not nice that someone drove by you and your car without slowing down or stopping on a winter night when there was clearly a problem. We drove to my place and I asked my neighbors if they could tow me, I have a tow strap in my car (thanks dad) which we used. My neighbors didn't have even the slightest problem going to get my car. And 10 minutes later it was out and by 9:40 I was back at my place, with my car.

Goodwill towards your fellow man isn't something that only exists from December until the New Year. It's a choice that we all can make to help our neighbors. We are all of one world and making it a better place by giving someone a hug, helping them carry their groceries out of their car, and helping pull their car out of a ditch at night, makes it a better world for you too. Thank you to those who helped me last night, and once again Happy Holidays everyone!

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