As with every start to the season, it's always someones first season. The company that I work for has a very high rate of return in comparison to other seasonal employment sites. This season there are two new people to the company and a few people from other sites. The first week is dedicated to orientation/ training. For people to remind themselves of tricks and for them to maybe learn a new class to teach from another person or generally just meet and get to bond as a staff. This is very important because we work so closely with one another.
I was 3 days late to my own orientation. I missed a few key meetings and so when the kids arrived a few days later I was more or less trained trial-by-fire style. Normally newbies have a week where they shadow a field group or classes, giving them more information and a longer time to process. Which is good. Orientation is also great for me because I get to learn a few more classes the easiest way: by watching someone else teach it!